Chemistry Links
General Chemistry Information
American Chemical Society Home Page
The American Chemical Society is an organization of all types of chemistry professionals. This page provides links to a variety of chemistry sites, including some of the sites listed below. You can search chemical topics from this home page.
General Chemistry Online
Links to a variety of chemistry web sites by Fred Senese, Frostburg State University's Chemistry page
Links to many sites with information in many areas of Chemistry. Good place to look for ideas for a chemistry report. Also a good place to look for information once you have selected a topic.
Sparticl Chemistry Page
A website from Twin Cities Public Television and 3M with Science, Technology, Engineering and Math links and information
Chemical Education/Educational Resourses
The Catalyst
Chemistry resources for Secondary Education
The Institute for Chemical Education Home Page
ICE at the University of Wisconsin, Madison
American Chemical Society High School Page
Links to ChemMatters, a magazine designed for high school chemistry students, and the Chemistry Olympiad.
Chemistry and science links
Chem Ed X Change
Journal of Chemical Education Home Page
Molecules 360
Molecules to rotate from the ChemEd Digital Library
Download from ACD (Advanced Chemistry Development). Freeware for drawing molecules.
Teacher-friendly Chemistry Supplies:
Flinn Scientific
Flinn is an outstanding supplier for anything a Chemistry teacher might need from chemicals to books to chemistry toys. Their catalog is an excellent source of safety information on chemicals and disposal. Flinn also provides financial support for chemistry teachers by hosting teacher conferences and sessions at meetings. Check out their website for links, too.
S17 Science Supplies
S17 specializes in some hard-to-find items. They also sell chemistry books, T-shirts, mugs, etc.
Educational Innovations
Fun products for the classroom. "Teachers Serving Teachers"
Teacher Web Pages
Lee Marek's Web Page
Lee Marek teaches chemistry in Naperville, Illinois and periodically performs chemistry demonstrations on David Letterman.
Information on Chemicals
Flinn online Material Safety Data Sheets
Find out all about your favorite chemical. Vital statistics, facts, structure.
Chemical Information Page
ChemIDplus is a searchable database of chemical records, including lots of structures, from the National Library of Medicine.
The Chemical Industry chemical information page
List of links to sources of Chemical Information
Chemical structure of olestra. It's so ugly. You'll never eat another Pringle. Check it out.
Environmental Chemistry
The Environmental Protection AgencyThe United States government EPA web site. Includes a search function.
The Top 100 "Technological Screw-ups" of the 20th Century
Includes links to subjects like the Bhopal chemical explosion and the Chernobyl disaster from the Annals of Improbably Research
Chemistry Tutorials
Chem TutorTutorials and review problems on many areas of chemistry
The Chem Team
Tutorials and review problems on many areas of chemistry
Chemistry Fun
Science is FunProfessor Shakhashiri's web site (University of Wisconsin-Madison). Prof. Shakhashiri is renowned for his lively chemical demonstrations and promotion of the idea that chemistry IS fun.
Chemistry Songs
Set to familiar tunes by Flick Coleman retired from Wellesley College
Inquiry in Action
A text you download for free with activities for teaching Chemistry and Physical Science concepts
Periodic Tables
American Chemical Society Periodic Table
There's an up-to-date PDF of the Table and an interactive table but it's not nearly as good as the old interactive Table.
Dynamic Periodic Table
Click on an element to find out more about it.
Periodic Table Live!
An interactive Periodic Table from the Journal of Chemical Education. Click on an element, and a new Tab opens with a picture, video, or other information.
Los Alamos National Laboratory Periodic Table
Click on an element to learn more about it, including the history of its discovery. Includes elements 114, 116, and 118
Royal Society of Chemistry Periodic Table
Scroll over or click on an element to learn more about it.
List of Periodic Tables
The Catalyst web site has links to many Periodic Tables.
The ChemCollective Periodic Table
A Periodic Table with an Energy Level Diagram filled with electrons for each element. Click on an element to see its electron configuration.
Cupcake Periodic Table
Poetic Table of the Elements
AP Chemistry
Science Geek AP Chemistry resources
Lee Marek's AP Chemistry Stuff
Mr. Marek's detailed lecture notes by chapter. It's for the Masterton/Hurley textbook but the notes are great.
The College Board AP Chemistry site
Instructions, topics covered, sample questions
Chemistry animations and movies on the World Wide Web
My Animations:
Condensation Reactions:
Simple animations for condensation reactions between a carboxylic acid and an alcohol and between a carboxylic acid and an amine. They run in loops. Clicking the red oval pauses the animation and the green oval resumes it.
Reaction Mechanisms
A simple reaction shown with a single step or multistep mechanism.
Chemistry/Science News Sites
News from ACS
News headlines from the American Chemical Society
Science News
Online version of Science News weekly magazine
BBC Sci/Tech News
Science news from the BBC
CNN Tech
Science and Technology news from CNN
New Scientist
Online version of New Scientist magazine
Online version of Nature magazine. Includes search.
Scientific Organizations
Minnesota Section of the American Chemical Society
Minnesota Science Teachers Association